Workshop: Die lebendige Mitte
Sat, 23 Sept
Moving from a dynamic center enables elegant, powerful and painless movements in everyday life as well as in yoga practice.
Zeit & Ort / Date & place
23 Sept 2023, 14:00 – 17:00
Zürich, Freyastrasse 6a, 8004 Zürich, Schweiz
Moving from a dynamic center enables elegant, powerful and painless movements in everyday life as well as in yoga practice.We are less likely to get stuck in our joints, wearing down the joint surfaces and injuring them.
In this workshop we will learn how to awaken our dynamic center by developing an awareness of the core muscles including the pelvic floor, iliac bone and abdominal muscles.
Movement is never separated from life. Whether dancing or kickboxing, a skeletally aligned leg lift is always initiated from within a supple dynamic core.~Liz Koch, 'Core Awareness'When we speak of mula banda (tensing and lifting the pelvic floor) and uddiyana banda (pulling the lower abdomen in and up), we are activating core functional strength.
These muscles need to be strengthened and used to stabilize the core so that we have internal support during asanas (and other activities).
Cost CHF 90