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Die professionell augebildete Yogalehrerin Claire Dalloz die ein eigenes Yoga Studio in Zürich Herrliberg hat zeigt eine Yoga Übung in ihrem Studio vor. Dabei sitz sie auf dem Boden mit den Beinen gestreckt gegen die Decke und ihre Stirn sanft gegen ihre Beine gedrückt.



Generally the word yoga is defined as “union” because it stems from the Sanskrit word “yuj” meaning to “bind” or “yoke.”

Because yoga is such a vast practice and can potentially be defined in so many different ways I would like to highlight two aspects which I personally associate with yoga.


The first is “relationship” - Yoga is all about the relationship you have with yourself and ultimately the relationship you have with your environment.

Im Kopfstand mit angewinkelten Beinen zeigt Claire Dalloz in Herrliberg in ihrem Yogastudio, wie man die Pose hält und in sich gehen kann.


The second aspect is clarity or discernment (Viveka). Do you see things clearly so that you know why you are doing what you are doing?

Are you clear in your intentions and actions?

Was ist Yoga

Body & Soul


Yoga at its most superficial level leads to physical health:

A body that becomes resilient, strong and supple. On the deeper levels it begins to affect the mind, behaviour and the very nature of who you are, i.e. it moves into the mental and spiritual plane.

As Sri Guru K. Pattabhi Jois used to say “practice, practice and all is coming!” How true his words are.

“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life”? Rumi

Yoga is a practice that allows each and everyone of us to move forward from where we are at:

  • If you are seeking physical health - you will find it!

  • If you want to become fit - you will!

  • If are seeking peace of mind and a break from the hassles of daily life - you will find your serenity!

  • If you want to fill your life with more meaning- you will find that!

  • If you want to deepen your spirituality - you will!

These are not empty promises but aspects of the practice that come to us if we are ready to commit and devote time to practicing and studying the philosophy.



“I feel inspired and motivated to deepen my yoga practice. It is really great to find a teacher like you.” – Lili

“I am very thankful for all your support, positive energy and wisdom. It truly lightens my week when I manage to go to your classes.“ – Angela

"Die Yogastunden bei Claire geben mir regelmässig viel Energie, Freude und Kraft für den Alltag. Claire ist eine hervorragende Lehrerin, die ihre Schüler je nach Bedürfnis fördert. Ich kann sie von Herzen weiterempfehlen.” – Tina

“Claire holt uns alle wo wir im Moment sind. Claire gibt eine tiefe, ruhige, herausfordernde und entspannende Yogapraxis weiter. Seit 7 Jahren begleitet Sie mich und ich kann Claire von tiefstem Herzen empfehlen.” – Anna


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