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Die professionelle Yogalehrerin Claire Dalloz liegt mit gespreizen Beinen mit dem Gesicht nach unten auf dem Boden und strecht die Arme nach vorne von sich weg. Der Helle Raum mit dem Buddah im Hintergrund laden Beginner und Vortgeschrittene zur Yogastunde in Herrliberg ein.

Yoga Videos


We all lead hectic lives and sometimes you don’t have the time to drive to the yoga studio.  However a yoga practice would be exactly that which body and mind needs to unwind and restore. For that reason I have created some yoga classes for you to practice at home. I am offering them for sale in my online shop.


Once you have bought your video you can download it and practice as often as you wish. 


In this way you will never miss your yoga class even if your day has been very stressful. This offer gives you the flexibility to build your practice into your day whenever it is possible for you.


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Embodied Breath Series

Embodied Breath Series

Embodied Breath Series